Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So its late...Well not that late for me cause this is the time I'm usually up at night, but that's not the point at the moment. The point of all this is that my baby is gonna be 1 years old in 23 days!!! I think about it and it blows my mind to think at very time last year that she was still inside me growing. She was just little kicks and hiccups. Then 23 days later, I was in the hospital holding her in my arms and my whole world changed. It was like every problem I had fell away because all that mattered was her and its still like that. She's become my world and I wouldn't have it any other way. She's gone from being my sleepy little bundle to my very very active and crazy pre-toddler. Yet some of the looks she gives me are the same looks from when she was just a few weeks old. She's almost walking, I guess that's whats really made me so sentimental because she's become so independent. Yet at night when she's crying she still wants her mommy, which makes me feel so special. Cause I always feel a pang of jealousy when her daddy can comfort her better than I can (which a whole different issue having mostly to do with my so called mom-n-law). I have so much more to say, but just realized I have a mound of laundry to do and not that long to do it.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Buh-Bye May, Hello June

So my princess is 10 months going on 11 in a few weeks. I still marvel at how fast time has gone by and right around the corner is her 1st birthday. I'm so excited that we've finally started to get the ball rolling on planning her birthday party.  Well there hasn't been many changes in this last month, she's still crawling, laughing, drinking a bottle (to my dismay), playing, and growing. A couple of days ago I noticed that she was slightly more cranky and sensitive than usual, drooling like crazy, and trying to chew on whatever she could so even though we haven't seen anything we believe she's getting another tooth. I have also started try to wean her off the bottle, but my efforts have been useless (so far), I thought I'd gotten a sippy cup that she liked, but she's only drank out of it successfully twice and both times she only drank half of her milk then she wanted the rest in her bottle. Which confuses me greatly because I don't understand how she can only drink half of it? Ooh, I almost forgot we took her to her first Strawberry Festival, she loved the food! I mean she ate or tried to eat everything that I bought and later that night ended up with a tummy ache keeping both me and her father up till 5 in the morning. I love seeing her try new food, right now she's loving fruit, chicken, fries, weenie, egg salad, mashed potatoes, and peas, but that's not counting all the little stuff we let her try. Well right now that she's asleep I better get some housework done. nighty night

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lalala..End of April

So it's about 5 or 6 days till the end of April and we're getting closer to July. It's amazing how fast this month went by, it makes me a little sad to say goodbye to it so soon. Before I go into the little princess achievements, here's some important things that happened. Like I celebrated my birthday this month and did it by going to Las Vegas. Now this was baby's first trip outta town for more than a night, she did very well and is now officially a Vegas baby. We also just celebrated Easter, but the princess has been sick for the last couple of days so she spent most of the day napping or just in a very clingy mood. It made me sad that she wasn't able to really experience her first easter, but I took pictures so we could remember the day. Hopefully next year won't be as bad. Well here's the "list" for the month:

  • She now has 7 teeth; 4 on top and 3 bottom
  • Turned 9 months 
  • Went in a pool for the first time and didn't cry (within 10 minutes of being in there she fell asleep in her floaty)
  • Found a love for chicken and has totally abandoned baby food
  • Took pictures with the easter bunny (didn't smile, but I think she was a little freaked by a giant bunny or the fact that her parents were letting a giant bunny hold her)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

8 months and going to a of sunday.

So it's the last day of March and my baby is 8 months going on 9 in the next 20 days. I can't believe how time has gone by so fast, its a little scary. Well in a week we'll be heading to Vegas for my birthday, this will by my little monster's first trip away from home for more than a night. I'm so excited to share this with her cause at her age was my first trip to Vegas. Well here's what's been going on:

  • 4 more teeth have come in, but only 3 have actually broken skin
  • She's crawling and standing up while holding onto furniture
  • She went to a wrestling event with her daddy (so not approved by me)
  • In a couple of days she will have her first playdate with another little girl
  • She's found a love for rice, pure fruit smoothies, and eggs
  • Moved up to a size 3 diaper (not sure if I've said that already, but am too lazy to look at older posts)
  • started kissing the mirror
  • become much more vocal 
So that's it for now, but I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a lot more to come in the next couple of months. I'm hoping to start her on a sippy cup soon and we're starting to plan her 1st birthday party. the verdicts out on the theme though since she shares her birthday with her uncle and the party is for the two of them kind of. Her uncle says he's okay with it being mostly about her, but I still want to include him. Well toodles for now gotta go get a bottle ready. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Valentines Day and Other February Achievements

So Its been over a month since my last update, but a lot has gone on so I waited to update on my little wiggle worm (which is her newest nickname).

  • Started eating jarred baby food and some fruit that I mashed up myself
  • Babbling tons more
  • Celebrated her 1st Valentines day with a trip to the zoo
  • Got the first half of the flu shot (she was sick for a week afterwards)
  • Has turned in to a wiggle worm and is mobile by rolling around everywhere on the floor
  • Starting to show signs of wanting or starting to crawl
  • Went to her first kids birthday party
There might be more, but I'll have to do another update soon. Currently I am sick as a dog and my mom is taking care of the wiggle worm.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A topic away from my little one

So this has almost nothing to do with my daughter, but it does have to do with being a mommy and interacting with other mommies. These mommies are all new moms like myself, they are 3 other ladies I went to college with. Now when we were in school, we got along great (or atleast thats how I seen it), but anyways its been almost 3 years since we graduated and over the years we've tried to get together (this was before all of us had kids). Yet now that we all have kids some how the other three new mommies have had chances recently to get together and I have had some complications. Now one of the ladies just threw a 1st birthday for her little one and I wasn't invited. I'm deeply hurt at the moment and don't know how to deal with it. I think its mostly because I've become so alienated from everyone that them not inviting me was just a knife in the heart. Even the my friends who don't have kids don't bother with me, well most of them. My best friend on the other his a whole different story, she tries to make plans with me that include my little one. Anytime I have to cancel with her, we just make plans for another time cause she knows that I have responsibilities, just like she does. I don't know what to do, I need to find other moms to connect with cause I feel like I depend on my best friend too much. She has other friends who she hangs out with and I'm here with...well no one it feels like most of the time.  I hate being stuck in the house because my boyfriend doesn't like to do anything on his days off with me. He prefers to sleep, eat, play video games, go meet his mom for dinner, and complain about me. I can't take it, I need someone to talk.

Monday, January 3, 2011


My Piggy's Achievements:

  • Sat up for the first time
  • Had her first Christmas
  • Tried mashed potato
  • Stayed up for New Years Fireworks at midnight
  • Moved up to a size 2 diaper
Its the new year so there's many more things she'll be learning, discovering and so on. I'm so excited to see what this year has in store for us. Especially her 1st birthday in July, I can't wait to throw her a summer birthday party.