Thursday, June 2, 2011

Buh-Bye May, Hello June

So my princess is 10 months going on 11 in a few weeks. I still marvel at how fast time has gone by and right around the corner is her 1st birthday. I'm so excited that we've finally started to get the ball rolling on planning her birthday party.  Well there hasn't been many changes in this last month, she's still crawling, laughing, drinking a bottle (to my dismay), playing, and growing. A couple of days ago I noticed that she was slightly more cranky and sensitive than usual, drooling like crazy, and trying to chew on whatever she could so even though we haven't seen anything we believe she's getting another tooth. I have also started try to wean her off the bottle, but my efforts have been useless (so far), I thought I'd gotten a sippy cup that she liked, but she's only drank out of it successfully twice and both times she only drank half of her milk then she wanted the rest in her bottle. Which confuses me greatly because I don't understand how she can only drink half of it? Ooh, I almost forgot we took her to her first Strawberry Festival, she loved the food! I mean she ate or tried to eat everything that I bought and later that night ended up with a tummy ache keeping both me and her father up till 5 in the morning. I love seeing her try new food, right now she's loving fruit, chicken, fries, weenie, egg salad, mashed potatoes, and peas, but that's not counting all the little stuff we let her try. Well right now that she's asleep I better get some housework done. nighty night

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