Monday, April 25, 2011

Lalala..End of April

So it's about 5 or 6 days till the end of April and we're getting closer to July. It's amazing how fast this month went by, it makes me a little sad to say goodbye to it so soon. Before I go into the little princess achievements, here's some important things that happened. Like I celebrated my birthday this month and did it by going to Las Vegas. Now this was baby's first trip outta town for more than a night, she did very well and is now officially a Vegas baby. We also just celebrated Easter, but the princess has been sick for the last couple of days so she spent most of the day napping or just in a very clingy mood. It made me sad that she wasn't able to really experience her first easter, but I took pictures so we could remember the day. Hopefully next year won't be as bad. Well here's the "list" for the month:

  • She now has 7 teeth; 4 on top and 3 bottom
  • Turned 9 months 
  • Went in a pool for the first time and didn't cry (within 10 minutes of being in there she fell asleep in her floaty)
  • Found a love for chicken and has totally abandoned baby food
  • Took pictures with the easter bunny (didn't smile, but I think she was a little freaked by a giant bunny or the fact that her parents were letting a giant bunny hold her)

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