Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Valentines Day and Other February Achievements

So Its been over a month since my last update, but a lot has gone on so I waited to update on my little wiggle worm (which is her newest nickname).

  • Started eating jarred baby food and some fruit that I mashed up myself
  • Babbling tons more
  • Celebrated her 1st Valentines day with a trip to the zoo
  • Got the first half of the flu shot (she was sick for a week afterwards)
  • Has turned in to a wiggle worm and is mobile by rolling around everywhere on the floor
  • Starting to show signs of wanting or starting to crawl
  • Went to her first kids birthday party
There might be more, but I'll have to do another update soon. Currently I am sick as a dog and my mom is taking care of the wiggle worm.

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