Thursday, March 31, 2011

8 months and going to a of sunday.

So it's the last day of March and my baby is 8 months going on 9 in the next 20 days. I can't believe how time has gone by so fast, its a little scary. Well in a week we'll be heading to Vegas for my birthday, this will by my little monster's first trip away from home for more than a night. I'm so excited to share this with her cause at her age was my first trip to Vegas. Well here's what's been going on:

  • 4 more teeth have come in, but only 3 have actually broken skin
  • She's crawling and standing up while holding onto furniture
  • She went to a wrestling event with her daddy (so not approved by me)
  • In a couple of days she will have her first playdate with another little girl
  • She's found a love for rice, pure fruit smoothies, and eggs
  • Moved up to a size 3 diaper (not sure if I've said that already, but am too lazy to look at older posts)
  • started kissing the mirror
  • become much more vocal 
So that's it for now, but I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a lot more to come in the next couple of months. I'm hoping to start her on a sippy cup soon and we're starting to plan her 1st birthday party. the verdicts out on the theme though since she shares her birthday with her uncle and the party is for the two of them kind of. Her uncle says he's okay with it being mostly about her, but I still want to include him. Well toodles for now gotta go get a bottle ready.